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Achieving Brain-Like Behavior In Computer Chips

 In the near future, organic circuits that mimic biological neurons may have the power to boost processing speed and might even be able to connect directly to the brain.

There is no doubt that the human brain is an amazing computer. This tiny device weighs approximately three pounds, can process information a thousand times faster than supercomputers, can store a thousand times more information than powerful laptops, and uses no more energy than a 20-watt lightbulb.

Byte Hook

Soft, flexible organic materials are being tested by researchers in an attempt to replicate this success. They have the capability of operating like biological neurons, and someday might even be able to interconnect with them. It is likely that computer chips made of soft "neuromorphic" material will be implanted directly into the brain in the future, allowing people to think about controlling artificial arms and monitors using only their minds. In contrast to conventional computer chips, these devices send and receive chemical as well as electrical signals, just like real neurons do.

“Your brain works by releasing chemicals such as dopamine and serotonin through neurotransmitters. We have developed materials that can interact electrochemically with them,” says Alberto Salleo, whose article in the 2021 Annual Review of Materials Research discusses the possibilities for organic neuromorphic devices.

Using these soft organic materials, Salleo and other researchers have developed electronic devices that work like transistors (which amplify electrical signals and switch them) and memory cells (which store information). Taking inspiration from the way human neuronal connections, or synapses, work, the team developed neuromorphic computer circuits. It's more like the brain's network of neurons than the circuits in digital computers, whether they're made of silicon, metal, or organic materials.

There is a fundamental distinction between calculation and memory on conventional digital computers since they work one step at a time. It creates a bottleneck for speed and energy consumption since one and zero have to be shuttled across the processor.

The brain is responsible for various functions. The electrical state of one neuron is affected by the signals received from many other neurons. By integrating all the signals it has received, neurons serve both as calculating devices and as memory devices: storing the value of all of these combined signals as an infinitely variable analog value, rather than a zero or one value like digital computers.

There have been a number of different "memristive" devices developed by researchers that mimic this ability. Electrical resistance is changed when current is passed through them. In the same way that biological neurons calculate by adding up all the currents they have been exposed to, these devices also do the same. As a result, they remember the value that their resistance takes as a result. 

For example, an organic memristor is made up of two layers of materials that conduct electricity. In the presence of an electric current, positive ions are driven from one layer into the other, thereby altering how easily the second layer conducts electricity when faced with the same current again. "It allows physics to perform the computation," explains Matthew Marinella, a computer engineer at Arizona State University in Tempe who is researching neuromorphic computing.

Moreover, the technique allows the computer to be liberated from the constraints of strictly binary values. “In classical computer memory, there is either a zero or a one. As a result of our work, we made a memory that can have any value between zero and one. In this way, it can be tuned analogically," Salleo explains. Most memristors and related devices are made from silicon chips and do not contain organic materials. Artificial intelligence programs even use some of these to speed up their performance. Yet organic components can work faster and use less energy, Salleo says. It would be even better if they were integrated into your brain. These materials are soft and flexible, and they interact with biological neurons because they have electrochemical properties. 

French engineer Francesca Santoro, currently at RWTH Aachen University in Germany, is creating a polymer device that can learn from real cells. Unlike real neurons, the cells in her device are separated from the artificial neuron by a small space, like synapses. In response to the release of dopamine, a chemical that signals nerves, the artificial half of the device change its electrical state. Similar to the electrical state of biological neurons, the artificial neuron changes as the amount of dopamine produced by the cells increases. “We are interested in designing an electronic device that looks like a neuron and behaves like a neuron,” Santoro shared. It is possible to employ this approach to improve the control of prosthetics or computer monitors using brain activity. Electrodes on today's systems can only detect broad patterns of electrical activity, as they only use standard electronics. To operate the equipment, external computers are required. At least two ways could be improved with flexible, neuromorphic circuits. Their ability to translate neural signals at a much more granular level, responding to individual neurons, would be greatly enhanced. Furthermore, Salleo says, the devices might also be able to perform some computations themselves, saving energy and speeding up processing. Salleo and Santoro believe that low-level, decentralized neuromorphic computing systems are promising avenues for neuromorphic computing involving small, neuromorphic computers. “Because they closely resemble the electrical operation of neurons, they are excellent for electrically and physically coupling with neuronal tissue,” Santoro says, “not to mention the brain.”

An original version of this article was first published in Knowable Magazine, an independent publication from Annual Reviews.

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