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Microsoft discloses the scope of Russian hacking strikes on Ukraine allies

According to Microsoft, Russian hackers have conducted cyber strikes on targets in 42 nations associated with Ukraine since Vladimir Putin's campaign started. 

Microsoft says that several European countries still have "serious collective defensive deficiencies."

According to the technological behemoth, hacking efforts were successful 29% of the time, and data was taken in at least a quarter of the successful network incursions.

It stated that over two-thirds of the targets were NATO allies, with the US being the primary focus.

Putin's power in Russia is 'eroding,' according to the most recent Ukraine conflict reports.

Poland is the primary route for military aid coming to Ukraine -Denmark, Norway, Finland, Sweden, and Turkey have all witnessed increased targeting in the last two months.

A striking exception was Estonia, where Microsoft said it had detected no Russian cyber intrusions since Mr. Putin launched the full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February.

The company credited Estonia's adoption of cloud computing, where it is easier to detect intruders. Microsoft warned that "significant collective defensive weaknesses remain" among some other European governments, without identifying them.

Across the 42 countries, half of the 128 organisations targeted were government agencies and 12% were non-governmental agencies, typically think tanks or humanitarian groups, according to Microsoft's report. Other targets included telecommunications, energy, and defense companies.

Microsoft said Ukraine's cyber defenses "have proven stronger" overall than Russia's capabilities in "waves of destructive cyberattacks".

According to the article, Moscow's military hackers have been careful not to release damaging data-destroying worms that may spread outside of Ukraine, like the NotPetya virus did in 2017.

"Over the last month, as the Russian military shifted its focus to the Donbas area, the number of devastating assaults has decreased," it stated.

The research also analyzed Russian propaganda and misinformation aimed at "undermining Western unity and diverting condemnation of Russian military war crimes."Microsoft projected that "Russian cyber influence operations effectively expanded the circulation of Russian propaganda after the conflict started by 216 percent in Ukraine and 82 percent in the United States" using artificial intelligence capabilities. 

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