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Research terms | Most often used terms in research article | A Brief Introduction


A Brief Introduction: Terms Used in the Research Field

1. What is a Citation?

2. What is a reference?

3. Number of sites

4. Citation method

5. Vancouver citation and referencing system

6. In-text citations

7. Footnote & Endnote

8. Harvard / Parental Citations

9. Primary source and secondary source

10. Quoting and Paraphrasing

11. How to cite the other author's statement?

12. As citation and reference sources what sources can be used?

13. Full referencing

Byte Hook

1. Citation:

Citation is the phrase used to define the way by which you refer to the source of the information in your piece, and this task is called a citation.

By visiting the citation, you may educate your readers about the references in your work, which helps to standardize your writing and content. In this approach, the reader can grasp the depth or quality of the material in your work by glancing at the source cited in it. It is a concise, alphanumeric statement of a reference that you have utilized in your writing from another source, which is hyperlinked to the author's work or is generally a reference. As a consequence, if the reader ever has reservations about the quality of your work or the information offered, he can readily discover the information from the original text from the references created by your citation.

Also, if you are improving your writing by utilizing someone's hard-earned research material in your writing and you don't appreciate or give credit to the person who utilized the information, should that be right? The job of honoring him or appreciating his credit is achieved by visiting the site. This prevents the notoriety of someone stealing information. But the fundamental goal of the citation is not merely to give credit to someone; it has additional meaning. Doing so on such citation boosts the acceptance and credibility of your article. Cite lets people identify the prior source of information utilized in your work. As a consequence, the fundamental facts may be grasped more fully.

2. References:

reference is a list of your references that is normally presented at the end of a page in the form of a footnote or at the conclusion of an article in the form of an endnote.

Citations, on the other hand, are references that you instantaneously insert in brackets or superscripts in the center or side of your work. The sources used on the site are appended at the conclusion of the article in the form of a reference list.

And in the case of the footnote referring technique, further information or references are offered at the bottom of the page, which is also a sort of reference. However, footnotes include not just references but also remarks.

Citations may be straight descriptions of someone's citations or mild editing of someone's material, retaining the original meaning in their own words, or summarizing what it is termed. A reference is a precise kind of citation that is grouped in a reference list. Usually, when any information is quoted from someone or someone's information is utilized, the name, identity, and year of the original informant are supplied in brackets next to the text, or the reference number is given by superscript or superscript as well as the reference is hyperlinked in it. These references are provided in footnotes or endnotes at the end of the article in the form of lists, known as reference lists or references. Many times, hyperlinks are not included while superscripting; just the reference number is shown, which is stated in full in the reference list. Thus, stating merely the reference number is likewise a sort of citation.

References are a list of references from which you have gotten information about your writing, and citations are references that you have briefly cited in the midst of your writing or adjacent to the text following particular guidelines. These guidelines are the same for each form of citation style, however, there are also different techniques of reference that vary from organization to organization and genre of writing. The two processes in reference and citation are two parts of the reference system.

3. Number of cites:

In scientific research or any research, the total number of citations in an article is determined by counting the number of times your writing was utilized in another article or the number of times your article was used by another individual, researcher, or organization. Thus, as the number of references grows, so does the acceptability or worth of your essay. With the number of cites, individuals might obtain an impression of how acceptable or trustworthy your content is to others. The impact factor of a journal is calculated by this.


4. Citation method:

Various methods of citation are prevalent all over the world. However, the two main ones are:

A.    The Harvard Method or Parenthetical Citation

B.     The Vancouver Method or Numerical Citation

Besides these two systems, there are many more site styles. The citation method is the same in each case. However, in this case, there are some standards made by different organizations around the world. such as:

a.       American Psychological Association (APA) style of referencing

b.      Modern Language Association of America (MLA) style of referencing

c.       MHRA (Modern Humanities Research Association) format

d.       The Chicago (reference list) (Turabian) style

e.       CSE (Council of Science Editors)


5. Vancouver citation and referencing system:

The references are next to the author's text.

First bracket or,

Third bracket or,

Superscript or,

with a combination of bracket-superscript

and is represented by a serial number.

For example:

1st way: Modern science is often organized into three primary areas.

2nd way: Modern science is often organized into three primary divisions.

3rd way: Modern science is often organized into three primary areas.

4th way: Modern science is often organized into three primary divisions.

Referencing is a terrific method to find out how much work you have put into making an article, how many books you have read, or how many hundreds of references or research papers you have read.

You are not only referring to references in your own manner at the conclusion of writing, but there are also particular rules and styles for referencing that are the same for each form of writing or for each sort of organization.

There are three kinds of references in the academic world: footnotes, endnotes, and in-text citations.

For more, you can read the following site.

6. In-text citations

The reference that is briefly mentioned in brackets or superscript in the midst of the text is an in-text citation. An aspect of the referencing process is a citation

7. Footnote & Endnote

Footnotes We all know pretty much this. We often see this when we read different books or articles.

The footnote or footnote that is placed under the page of a research paper or book is called a footnote. In this case, one or more superscripts or lowercase letters are placed with a number just above the text where the reference to someone else is mentioned or a special subject needs to be informed. A simple line is drawn at the bottom of the page, and the original reference, special information, or note is written below it. Each of the reference numbers placed on a page has to be referenced below.

Endnote referencing is much the same as footnote references, but in this case the list of references by number is mentioned at the end of the chapter, as we see in Wikipedia. Wikipedia has both in-text-citation and endnotes, but footnotes are not commonly seen.

8. Harvard / Parental Citations

In the case of in-text citations, the last part of the author's name, the year of publication of the book or article, and page number are indented. At the very end of the article or paper, the original references have to be given in full in numerical or alphabetical order. This method is also called a parenthetical or parental citation, also known as Harvard referencing.

Another thing is that not all the information needs to be on the site. There is some information that we have known for a long time and it is very common. In this case, there is no obligation on those information sites. Moreover, common knowledge, one's own general comment, or enlightening comment that has not been published in the research paper cannot be made on the site.

9. Primary source and secondary source

Now, the sources of speech are usually of two kinds.

If a statement is taken directly from the research, book, or publication of an author or researcher, then that reference is called a primary source.

And if someone's statement is taken from a book or research paper, not from a source, but from another author's book, then that other author or source is called secondary sourcing.

10. Quoting and Paraphrasing

There are two ways you can incorporate another author's statement into your writing.

A. Through Quotation

B. Alternatively, paraphrasing

Quoted writing means learning English grammar narration and typing someone's information or words in the quotation mark in the same way as we have seen the other author's statement written in direct narration.

And paraphrasing means writing like the other author's statement, leaving the original meaning unchanged.

If you use other people's information without quoting or paraphrasing or without citing references in any way, it will be a ploy or plagiarism. Therefore, after mentioning the statement of the author or researcher, it is necessary to mention the reference in the side note or footnote or at the end of the book.

11. How to citate the other author's statement?

It is arranged individually for each type of site. However, some issues are common in all cases. E.g.

A. The name of the author from whom the information is taken should be mentioned briefly.
B. It should be mentioned from which book/publication of that author it has been taken.
C. The period when the book was printed, the name and address of the publication, etc., should be mentioned.
D. It is necessary to specify the number of pages from which the information has been taken or the number of pages, sections, or paragraphs from which the information has been taken. 
E. In special cases, web links or unique identifiers for research or references, such as: ISBN (International Standard Book Number), Serial Item and Contribution Identifier (SICI) or, The International Standard Serial Number (ISSN), A Digital Object Identifier (DOI),

Biomedical research articles such as PubMed ID (PMID) should be mentioned. [1]

The above principles of citation have to be strictly adhered to in the field of science or the value of that information or author is low

12. As citation and reference source what sources can be used?

Information can be collected from various books, research papers, magazines, journals, newspapers, interviews, websites, blogs, educational videos, images, statistics, graphs, dramas, literature, poems, special quotes, etc. 1]

However, in the case of citations in scientific research, other research papers, books, and journals are seen to have more sites, and the last four or five topics are missing.

13. Full referencing

There are also separate and specific rules for reference.

When writing the reference list, when writing each reference, the first part of the last part of the author's name should be the first or the last part, the year of publication should be where, and the name of the book should not be inside the quotation marks, should it be bold or italic, etc. Things have to be written according to specific rules. The use of symbols like a full stop, comma, colon, bracket, etc. also has to follow certain rules.

There are various referencing styles for these rules, among which MLA, APA, Chicago, CSE, and others are widely used. The APA (American Psychological Association) style is widely used in the fields of education, psychology, and science. The Vancouver system is also used.

Also, make sure that a specific style is used for writing. From footnotes, endnotes, and in-text citation methods, any one of the following must be followed.

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